Rousing speeches not the answer for Escambia County School District

Yesterday, School Superintendent Malcolm Thomas encouraged his administrators, principals and teachers to aim higher. Using what he read from the book “Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,” he asked them to develop a growth mindset.

He told, “There are teachers in the system that have been there a long time, and they teach like they have always taught. A shift has to be made toward the growth mindset.”

History shows us that rousing speeches from the school superintendent can have an impact, but only for a year.

In the summer of 2013, Bellview Middle saw its grade drop to a F. Workman Middle School, the home of the Escambia County School District’s first International Baccalaureate middle school program, dropped to a D grade. Woodham Middle had a D grade. Warrington Middle fell to a F.

At a mandatory meeting with principals and assistant principals before the new school year, Superintendent Thomas emphasized the need for a quick turnaround.

“We have to become incredibly focused and develop a sense of urgency to act now,” Thomas said, according to the PNJ. “We’re driving 35 miles an hour and we need to be driving 70.”

The next year, the middle schools did show improvement: Bellview Middle went from F to C. Warrington Middle from F to D. Workman and Woodham improved from D’s to C’s.

In March 2015, Bellview Middle School was one of 22 in Escambia County to receive a portion of $1.42 million in School Recognition Program funds from Gov. Rick Scott because it showed so much improvement in 2014 school year. Three months later, the new grades came out and Bellview had dropped to a D. Other middle school grades also dropped – Ernest Ward from A to B and Woodham from C to D. Warrington maintained D.

Today Bellview, Warrington and Woodham are among the 20 worst performing middle schools in the state.

The rousing speech of August 2013 had no lasting effect.

Something more is needed – an extra hour of class time and motivational speeches are not lasting solutions. And more innovation is needed than reading a new book.

Systems need to be put in place that build continued improvement and success. It’s the responsibility of Thomas and the district administration to establish those systems. Without them, the school district will continue on this roller coaster.

Let’s hope Achieve Escambia is paying attention.