Rick Scott possible pick for Health and Human Services secretary

Politico has speculated that Florida Gov. Rick Scott is a contender to be Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services, as is Dr. Ben Carson.

Carson was the Director of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Maryland from 1984 until his retirement in 2013.

At age 34, Scott co-founded Columbia Hospital Corporation with two business partners, which later merged with Hospital Corporation of America in 1989, to form Columbia/HCA, the largest private for-profit health care company in the U.S.

Neither Carson nor Scott support Affordable Care Act. The Florida governor has opposed the expansion of Medicaid that would have provided coverage to low-income families in Florida.

What Trump does with the Affordable Care Act remains to be seen. Though he campaigned on repealing and replacing it, Trump has indicated in his interview with the Wall Street Journal after the election that he would like to continue the coverage for people with pre-existing health conditions and to allow parents to cover children under their plan into their mid-20s.

What has been the public reaction since the Nov. 8 election results? On Wednesday, more than 100,000 Americans rushed to buy health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, the biggest turnout yet during this year’s sign-up period.

Trump appears on 60 Minutes tonight. Maybe we will get more details.


4 thoughts on “Rick Scott possible pick for Health and Human Services secretary

  1. The article states that Politico has speculated that Florida Gov. Rick Scott is a contender to be President-Elect Donald Trump’s Secretary of Health and Human Services . . . Human services is frequently defined as an interdisciplinary discipline with the objective of meeting human needs through an applied knowledge base, focusing on prevention as well as remediation of problems, and maintaining a commitment to improving the overall quality of life of service populations.

    I have repeatedly reported serious violations of the United States Constitution, the Florida Constitution and Florida Statutes to Governor Scott. It is apparent from complaints by other individuals to State Officials, newspaper articles and blogs that Pensacola City Officials are running wild. (i.e. They violate Florida Statutes by continuing to appointing illegal members on Pensacola Advisory Boards (Planning Board, Construction Board, Architectural Review Board, etc.) who make decisions in violation of existing laws for personal gain for themselves or their friends.)
    I have repeatedly reported to Governor Scott that my authorized veteran owned business is currently illegally closed down, without due process, by the Pensacola City Officials, and has been illegally closed down for over 11 years denying us income from our legally authorized business. Governor Scott’s letters to me in response to my reporting serious crimes against me indicated he is helpless to stop these crimes and he refuses to recognize and protect our rights under the United States Constitution even though he swore to do so. Both Governor Scott and Attorney General Bondi (a member of President-elect Trump’s transition team) have consistently refused to stop the apparent illegal/criminal actions against my husband and me, two war-time veterans (according to Florida Statute Chapter 295 and Florida Statute chapter 1).

    These constant violations of valid laws has degraded the quality of life for us here in Pensacola, in Escambia County, to the level of a citizen of a third world nation. We are forced to live in a lawless County and City without American Constitutional rights (which my husband and I served in war time to protect and defend) and live in what appears to be the murder capital of Florida while Governor Scott and Attorney General Bondi refuse to address and stop illegal/criminal actions against law abiding citizens. I doubt their ability to work on a transition team or administration whose constant promise has been to rid America of corruption when these individuals seem to be anti-American and refuse to stop corruption.

  2. He certainly knows how to cheat the system so maybe he will catch the cheaters. Naw, he’ll probably just give them government jobs.

  3. Horrifying, but not surprising. Expected. Scott has hurt Florida so much. It’s time for him to look for a larger stage.

  4. Scary, the man who led the company that committed the largest Medicaid fraud in history leading Medicaid and health for the Nation.

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