Florida Politics picks lawmakers White and Williamson as winners

Florida Politics founder Peter Schorsch listed who they believed are winners as the 2017 Legislative Session comes to an end. Our two freshmen state representatives, Frank White and Jayer Williamson, made the list:

Frank White – Another one of INFLUENCE Magazine’s “freshman to watch,” the Pensacola Republican has a heck of a lot of wins to boast about when he gets home this year. He passed five of six member bills, the sixth was amended onto a bill that passed the House. He helped shepherd two proposed committee bills out of the House, and built a reputation as a consensus builder who can build bridges between factions and soothe egos. No wonder his name is emerging as a choice for Speaker.

Jayer Williamson — One of the smartest, nicest guys in the freshmen class of the Florida House, the Pace Republican (and another one of INFLUENCE Magazine’s “freshman to watch”) managed to relatively stay above the fray of contention, drama, and division, make friends and impress others along the way.


1 thought on “Florida Politics picks lawmakers White and Williamson as winners

  1. 2 fine choices! Rep. White is my Rep. And he represents us well! Thank you! Jayer Williamson, couldn’t vote for you, not my district, but I was proud (still am) to have helped and supported you. Thank you both!

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