Breaking news: Mayor appoints first female fire chief

Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward made history today with the appointment of the first female fire chief, Ginny Cranor.

“I am extremely proud to be able to appoint Battalion Chief Cranor as Fire Chief. Her record of accomplishments, unwillingness to be content with the status quo, and collaborative leadership style make her exceptionally well suited to sustain the fire department’s upward momentum,” said Mayor Hayward in a written statement.

“The selection was difficult only in the sense that we were extremely fortunate to have several candidates in the department who are all capable of tackling the issues facing a 21st century fire department.”

Cranor will succeed David Allen, who is retiring on April 12. Prior to becoming a Pensacola firefighter in 1998, Cranor was a volunteer with Escambia County Fire Rescue. She rose through the ranks and was promoted to Battalion Chief in September 2016 and currently serves as the battalion chief for the department’s “C” watch. Cranor earned a bachelor’s degree in nursing from the University of West Florida in 2012.

She also has associate degrees in fire science and emergency medical services from Pensacola State College in addition to multiple professional certifications. Cranor is a member of the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the International Association of Women in Fire & Emergency Services, and has been a fire academy instructor for 18 years.

“I am humbled and honored that Mayor Hayward has faith in me and my abilities and I am excited that he is giving me this chance to lead the fire department,” said Cranor. “The Mayor and Chief Allen have brought this department a long way, and I look forward to working with my colleagues at the department to capitalize on the opportunities to make it even better.”

Mayor Hayward has made several historic appointments during his two terms, including Amy Miller, the first female Port of Pensacola director, and David Alexander, the city’s first African-American police chief.


1 thought on “Breaking news: Mayor appoints first female fire chief

  1. He is as sly as a fox. Promote the first female Fire Chief before the election. Just as he promoted the first African American Police Chief before the last election. Then throw them away like a dirty dish rag because they do not kiss his mayoral ring and actually fight for their people. Does this mean he is running? God. Lets hope not. There are to many clueless people that are fooled by his pearly whites and lies.

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