Fire Chief corrects timeline

Escambia County Fire Chief Rusty Nail was hired in May 2018. Over the past month, he has resigned, attempted to rescind his resignation and seen his rescission not accepted.

Yesterday, Nail sent an email to Acting County Administrator Amy Lovoy, who has also tendered her resignation, accepting her decision and clarifying what he believed happened during his brief employment with the county.

He made several changes to Lovoy’s email:

Nail wrote that he did turn in his resignation to Assistant Administrator Matt Coughlin in December 2018, but he was told former Administrator Jack Brown wanted to speak to me. “I withdrew any resignation following our meeting together. “

He said the reason he didn’t bring up in December any specific issues in public safety was: “I wanted any separation to be amicable as I stated at the time, and understanding all issues brought forward to that point were either ignored, deferred, or obstructed from correction.”

He did bring up issues in late January-early February after Coughlin and Lovy initiated an investigation: “Yes, formally as the needs were critical and evidence was brought forward that required Administrative action immediately.”

Nail explained the changes in his final date and eventual request to rescind his resignation: “Yes, after not getting any response from my request 4/28, watching the Administrator interviews, I was left with the impression that my services were still needed.”

He struck through this sentence: “This week I’ve been made aware of a meeting you had in September with Jack Brown where you again discussed your dissatisfaction, and Jack talked you out of leaving at that time as well.”

Nail’s May 1 Response to Lovoy

From: Rusty Nail <>
Date: May 1, 2019 at 11:56:10 AM CDT
To: “Amy L. Lovoy” <>

Subject:RESPONSE: Message From Chief Nail


     Good morning and thank you for a response. While most of the statements are accurate, I will offer my impression for the record below within your narrative.  That said, protecting the County from liabilities, as well its image are why these ‘issues’ were not brought forward on a public scale. Rest assured they were brought forward in some form/fashion along with a plan for action.

     That said, I respect your decision and authority as the County Administrator and humbly accept that decision.  Can either yourself or anyone else please clarify with a response, that you approve of my request sent on Sunday to end employment 6/15/2019?

    I wish the County best success moving into the future, and appreciate the selection of Janice Gilley as County Administrator. I also apologize for any additional strain created by having a change of heart. This after considering the Board’s recent progressive/positive actions, hearing Ms. Gilley’s vision, countless employees support, and prayers from citizens of this County. Thank you again for your consideration and opportunity to serve.