Mike Hill: ‘Do not let him fester’

Peter Schorsch, publisher of some of Florida’s most influential new media websites, including Florida Politics and Sunburn, wrote a scathing viewpoint calling for GOP leaders to deal with State Rep. Mike Hill., saying that the Escambia County lawmaker is single-handedly “distracting Florida voters from the significant achievements of a new administration and reinvigorated Legislature with his repugnant actions.”

Schorsch asks Florida House leadership to “not let him fester in your House.

“You can censure him. You can strip of committee assignments. You can let him know that none of his bills will be assigned to a committee. You can instruct House Victory not to campaign for his re-election. You can make it known that no one is to donate to him. You can ask Rebekah Bydlak to primary him and then ask Gruters to let the voters of District 1 know that Hill is really no friend of Donald Trump.”

Peter Schorsch

Read today’s Sunburn.