Tymar Crawford: Grand jury report, City response, Bodycam video

State Attorney Bill Eddins announced last Friday that the Escambia County Grand Jury has completed its review of the facts and circumstances surrounding the Officer Involved Shooting by Daniel Sieman formerly of the Pensacola Police Department.

After a week of receiving testimony and deliberations, the Grand Jury has returned a NO TRUE BILL meaning that they have determined that criminal charges are not appropriate. They have also issued a report making specific findings and recommendations.

Signed GJ Report

City of Pensacola Press Release:

Today, Oct. 25, 2019, the Escambia County Grand Jury made the decision not to indict former Pensacola Police Department Det. Daniel Siemen in the July 5 shooting death of Tymar Crawford.

“Upon the release of the video, it will be difficult to watch, and we hope that the public and media will treat this with the sensitivity it deserves,” Pensacola Police Chief Tommi Lyter said.

“Pensacola Police officers hold themselves to a high standard and work hard to develop and maintain trust with the public we serve, and we are committed to continuing to foster relationships across our entire community. We appreciate the work of the Grand Jury and respect their decision. We will review the Grand Jury report and its recommendations.”

On Oct. 3, 2019, after a thorough internal investigation into the incident, the Pensacola Police Department terminated Siemen for violating the department’s use of deadly force policy.

“We appreciate the patience of the family of Tymar Crawford and the entire Pensacola community as we waited for the outcome of the Grand Jury investigation,” Pensacola Mayor Grover Robinson said.

“This has been a difficult process for everyone, and we hope that we can continue to come together as a community and move forward. With the termination of Daniel Siemen, PPD did everything within their authority to make it clear that this incident is not reflective of the values and culture of the Pensacola Police Department.”

The video is graphic and shows the death of Tymar Crawford:

We will have more on this in our Oct. 31 issue.
