Steps to Impeachment

Step 1:  Inquiry – Impeachment investigation conducted by three House committees: 1) Intelligence, 2) Foreign Relations, 3) Government Reform & Oversight.

Step 2: Articles Approved – House Judiciary debates and votes on formal written articles of impeachment. Articles of impeachment are the set of charges drafted against the President to initiate the impeachment process. The articles of impeachment do not result in the removal of the official, but instead require the House to bring the articles to a vote before the full body.

Step 3: Votes – U.S. House of Representatives debate and vote on the articles of impeachment.

Step 4: Sworn In – If the House approves the articles, House managers are appointed to prosecute the case against the President before the U.S. Senate. Chief Justice John Roberts presides over the trial and will swear in the 100 U.S. senators as jurors.

Step 5: Trial – House managers prosecute the case against the President, who will be represented by lawyers to rebut the charges. Senators can question managers and maybe witnesses. Senators can deliberate in public or private.

Step 6 Vote:  If two-thirds of the Senate vote to convict and remove the President from office, VP Mike Pence becomes president. If less than two-third vote to convict, the President remains in office.