City/Haas survey results

The City of Pensacola has received results from the 2019 Resident Satisfaction Survey, which it said in a press release showed an overall satisfaction with core city services, the city’s image and business-friendly environment. The city also touted that 808 residents completed the online survey, a 55 percent increase over 2018. However the city also nearly doubled the survey period by extending it four weeks.

“I am glad to see such a great response rate from our residents, which shows us that we have a community of engaged citizens who want to see their city succeed,” Mayor Grover Robinson said. “We are looking forward to using these survey results to continue to improve city services for our residents and maintain the high quality of life we strive for in the City of Pensacola.”

He added, “Thank you to the UWF Haas Center for their research, and to all of our residents who took the time to provide feedback and let us know what’s most important to them.”

Unfortunately, the sampling of the seven city districts doesn’t match the city’s actual distribution of residents. District 5 and 7 were greatly under represented in the survey – District 5 by 6.7 points, District 9.3 points.  Over 20% didn’t what district they lived – responding unsure or preferred not to answer question.

Actual Survey
District Representation Samples
1 12.8% 13.6%
2 13.8% 11.0%
3 14.8% 14.2%
4 14.3% 13.6%
5 14.7% 8.0%
6 14.6% 13.7%
7 14.9% 5.6%

The districts that had the highest percentage of very satisfied/satisfied respondents on city services were District 4 – Jared Moore (53.3%), District 5 -John Jerralds (48.2%) and District 7 – Jewel Cannada-Wynn (48.1%). The lowest percentages of the satisfied were District 3 – Andy Terhaar (32.4% and District 6 – Ann Hill (39.8%).

Satisfied/Very Satisfied                1                  2                  3                  4                  5                  6                  7
Traffic Safety 28.7% 27.0% 23.0% 36.8% 36.7% 20.8% 32.0%
Neighborhood Safety 56.9% 38.5% 28.2% 53.2% 35.2% 32.3% 51.3%
Code Enforcement 31.8% 40.6% 32.1% 33.9% 28.9% 24.4% 39.9%
Crime Reduction 29.1% 36.4% 17.8% 41.9% 28.2% 15.7% 36.8%
Sidewalks 27.1% 24.0% 34.0% 36.4% 40.7% 30.7% 43.8%
Street Lighting 30.1% 25.3% 17.6% 34.6% 21.8% 20.1% 20.2%
Stormwater 37.9% 23.4% 19.6% 38.5% 24.9% 23.8% 28.0%
Road Safety 39.2% 23.1% 15.8% 31.8% 20.1% 16.8% 11.5%
Preservation 45.1% 45.1% 55.2% 48.6% 58.7% 37.3% 46.9%
Neighborhood Assn. 32.1% 26.7% 31.8% 36.7% 36.1% 40.2% 54.1%
Parks &  Rec Centers 74.8% 45.1% 54.6% 79.9% 62.8% 67.6% 70.8%
Police Services 71.7% 54.0% 50.7% 70.1% 55.1% 57.1% 59.2%
Fire Services 79.1% 57.5% 78.1% 79.5% 49.9% 82.4% 69.4%
City Information 63.8% 55.2% 41.8% 69.8% 59.6% 58.8% 64.1%
Average 46.3% 41.1% 32.4% 53.3% 48.2% 39.8% 48.1%

District 1 – P.C. Wu had several areas that had below 30% very satisfied/satisfied:

Sidewalks 27.1%
Traffic Safety 28.7%
Crime Reduction 29.1%


District 2 – Sherri Myers:

Road Safety 23.1%
Stormwater 23.4%
Sidewalks 24.0%
Street Lighting 25.3%
Neighborhood Assn. 26.7%
Traffic Safety 27.0%


District 3 – Tehaar

Road Safety 15.8%
Street Lighting 17.6%
Crime Reduction 17.8%
Stormwater 19.6%
Traffic Safety 23.0%
Neighborhood Safety 28.2%


District 4 – Moore and District 5 Jerralds had  none below 30%.


District 6 – Hill:

Crime Reduction 15.7%
Road Safety 16.8%
Street Lighting 20.1%
Traffic Safety 20.8%
Stormwater 23.8%
Code Enforcement 24.4%


District 7 – Cannada-Wynn

Road Safety 11.5%
Street Lighting 20.2%
Stormwater 28.0%