Micro-grant program for black-owned small businesses

The Spring Entrepreneur Hub is launching its Black-Owned Small Business Micro-grant Program that provide grants to eligible black-owned small businesses in Escambia County.

Each micro-grant will provide a minimum of $1,500 per business. The fund has a total of $50,000 available for black-owned companies that did not receive any of the COVID-19 state or federal programs during 2020.


Applications will be accepted through 9 am on Monday, June 22. Winners will be selected by Friday, June 27.


  • Must be a black-owned business located within Escambia County.
  • Business owner must be 18 years of age or older.
  • Verification of company information (employees, revenue, income tax return) may be required.
  • All funding must be used for payroll, rent/mortgage, or utility payments only. This is also subject to verification.
  • Funding may not be used as a founder stipend.
  • Winners may be asked to update on impact from grant funding.

Have questions or need assistance?  Please contact D.C. Reeves at The Spring at dcreeves@quintstuder.com.

Apply Now.


4 thoughts on “Micro-grant program for black-owned small businesses

  1. Joan, I can see the confusion. Those entities supported the formation of the entity and the VMS mentorship program, but those entities – other than Studer Community Institute – aren’t involved The Spring’s operations. No government funds are used in The Spring Hub or the micro-grant program.

  2. This was in the Northescambia article about this and some of these organizations do receive taxpayer funds.
    “The Studer Community Institute, FloridaWest Economic Development Alliance, Greater Pensacola Chamber of Commerce, Gulf Coast Minority Chamber of Commerce, Gulf Power, Pensacola State College and the University of West Florida Center for Entrepreneurship partnered earlier this year to form The Spring Entrepreneur Hub.”

  3. Joan,

    No government money involved. Run by The Spring, which is part of Studer Community Institute, not FloridaWest.

  4. Is this legal? Seems like discrimination with tax money doesn’t it? Fl West gets money from the city and the county. How can they favor one race over another?

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