COVID: Escambia staff update

Escambia County has now added, as of 6 p.m. yesterday, to its daily COVID update that status of each department.

“It has been requested to provide our daily COVID employee data. This spreadsheet shows what is currently happening and is not historical data.(Updated 6 p.m.)”

You can thank Inweekly for this update. -)

The report has been modified from the ones the newspaper received for last week. Gone are the lists of employees quarantined, on extended leave and working from home.

The new report only lists positives and those awaiting test results. It adds total employees per department and gives an overall percentage of employees in both categories.

The report does come with a caveat: “Please remember, this was intended to be a management tool to gauge where we are at rather than an official report. This report is a snapshot for July 7 and not historical up until July 7.”

That all being said, this is what we’ve learned.

Corrections has added 7 more positive cases among its employees since July 2 – total 15. Twenty-eight employees are awaiting test results. The department has 574 employees. At the agenda review on July 2, the county commissioners instructed the County Administrator to test all jail employees – that doesn’t appear to be happening.

We don’t know how many more jail inmates have tested positive.

Under Public Safety, seven lifeguards have tested positive – 10% of the total – and 10 more are awaiting test results, so 24% are in COVID limbo.

The Public Safety Building, where the EOC is housed, has issues. EMS has seven positives and eight awaiting test results. Dispatch has four awaiting test results.

HR & Risk Mgmt have 16 employees – 43.8% are either waiting on test results (5) or tested positive (2).

On July 2, the county had 22 employees that were currently positive for the virus. As of July 7, the total is 35 – 59% increase.

On July 2, the county had 46 employees awaiting test results. As of July 7, the total is 78 – 70% increase.

The county doesn’t require its employees to wear face coverings.

Read report.

1 thought on “COVID: Escambia staff update

  1. As a senior I am disturbed by the insensitivity of the younger generation. I have been saying this over and over again. They are the ones that are not allowing me with their behaviour to be able to go out and taking the precautions that we need to take and not live in fear because others won’t At this time, and with the case that we have in Escambia County my chances of not getting this virus are getting slim. I resent the fact that because of them I may die and I still have many things that I need t complete in my life time

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