Escambia commissioners given three face mask options

By request, Escambia County Attorney Alison Rogers has drafted three options for the Board of County Commissioners to consider regarding face covering.

Through a public record request, Inweekly received the cover letter and the three options for consideration at the commissioners’ Aug. 6 regular meeting.

Rogers wrote, “What you have here are three different concepts, basically as follows:

  1. An emergency order requiring individuals to wear masks pursuant to your state of local emergency.  This takes three votes and a violation of an emergency order is a second degree misdemeanor per state law. DRAFT Emergency Order (Face Coverings)
  2. A resolution strongly encouraging the use of masks.  This takes three votes and has no penalty for failure to comply. DRAFT Resolution (Face Coverings)
  3. An emergency ordinance requiring businesses to post mask wearing requirements and individuals in businesses to wear masks.  It provides for noncriminal citations for enforcement.  An emergency ordinance requires four (4) votes.  *The same ordinance could be advertised and scheduled for public hearing at a later meeting and would only require three (3) votes. DRAFT Emergency Ordinance (Face Coverings)

1 thought on “Escambia commissioners given three face mask options

  1. The fact that Douglas Underhill, an elected County Commissioner is soliciting/lobbying out of state/city individuals to influence other commissioners to vote a certain way, a vote implicitly for us LOCALS, should be grounds for removal. Any vote now is tainted.

    Because of their efforts to discredit the mask up campaign they threw away money on, & Underhill’s unethical actions & his continued push to LIE about factual data, NO ONE that hasn’t already been wearing a mask is going to wear one if they implement weak reactionary measures now!

    Because of their inaction, lies, & pathetic excuses, county business owners are being forced to close down. Also, the local anti mask group Underhill has publicly encouraged to “be the loudest voice”, are calling to boycott businesses if they implement their own mask rule.

    The damage the county has created has helped caused loss of income for SO many, caused loss of lives, & has caused more spread which is now resulting in long term affects & permanent organ damage.

    Our County “leaders” are absolutely clueless as to how to lead!

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