Hurricane Zetas: Rain & wind coming our way

Satellite imagery indicates that Zeta is a very well organized storm and likely will strengthen when it moves northward across the Gulf of Mexico from later today. Experts are saying that Zeta will probably strengthen into a Category 2 hurricane with 100-110 mph winds by Wednesday.

A trough of low pressure is expected to turn the storm to the northeast. Best guesses are the center of the Category 2 hurricane will hit onshore first on the Mississippi Delta late Wednesday afternoon or early Wednesday evening and then finally onshore on the Mississippi and Alabama coastline with the center making landfall somewhere between Biloxi and Mobile during Wednesday evening as a Category 2 hurricane.

Most of the spaghetti models have it hitting at the Mississippi-Alabama state line, one has it crossing Mobile Bay. We may get wind gusts up to 100 mph since we’re are east of the center.

Of course, all this could change as the storm gets closer to shore.
