Annual Litter Survey

Keep Pensacola Beautiful will be conducting our Annual Litter Survey throughout Escambia County as part of the Keep America Beautiful Community Appearance Index on March 31st. The purpose of this survey is to analyze the community using indicators such as litter, illegal signs, graffiti and more. The Community Appearance Index is designed to gather data annually by surveying a random, statistical sample of a city or town. The annual results are then used to develop a local plan to change attitudes and behaviors regarding litter and related issues.

During the data gathering process, KPB will determine a litter score for each site within a given area. This data will be used to develop an area score by averaging all of the scores for each site. The evaluation scale begins at 1 meaning there is little to no litter and ends at 4 meaning that the area is extremely littered. Last year, the average area score for Escambia County was at a 2.337.

“Litter is more than just a mark on our landscape. Litter is costly to clean up, impacts our quality of life and economic development, and eventually ends up in our waterways and oceans! Among our many initiatives, the Keep America Beautiful Litter Index and Community Appearance Index are step-by-step methods of assessing current litter conditions and other indicators which is used in thousands of communities and by municipalities nationwide,” says Keep America Beautiful.

For more information, please visit via the Keep America Beautiful website. Support our beautification efforts in Escambia County by becoming a member of Keep Pensacola Beautiful at
