CRA 2010 plan connects with waterfront and parks


The CRA 2010 Plan includes a continuous Baywalk where pedestrians and cyclists can access, transgress and enjoy Pensacola Bay from the Pensacola Area Welcome Center to Bruce Beach

Series of demonstration sites/parks are to be located at Wayside Park, Nine Avenue, Seville Harbor, Baylen Slip and Bruce Beach. See plan.


The CRA includes a system of approximately 70 acres of existing and new parks and open spaces that serve the current needs of residents and visitors alike. In addition
to the Baywalk and associated open spaces, the CRA Plan recommends the following strategies and improvements:

• Maintain a high quality and safe experience in all parks and open spaces
• Improve facilities at Corinne Jones Park to entice surrounding redevelopment in the Tanyard Neighborhood as ECUA sewer treatment facility is relocated
• Improve facilities at Bartram Park as Baywalk is implemented and Community Maritime Park becomes available to host cultural and civic events
• Maintain public accessed open space that also serves as a stormwater treatment area as part of ECUA and Bruce Beach redevelopment projects

The CRA Plan also recommends strengthening connections between several inland neighborhood parks and open spaces to the waterfront by means of enhanced streetscapes that should be implemented over time as key redevelopment projects occur. These neighborhood parks include:
• Henry W. Wyer Park along enhanced Belmont Street
• Corinne Jones Park along reconnected Donelson Street
• City Hall Park along enhanced Spring Street
• Ferdinand Plaza along enhanced Palafox and Jefferson Streets
• St. Michael’s Cemetery along enhanced Alcaniz Street
