Eddins calls for inquest on Steen death

Under Florida Statutes, Sec. 936.003:
“The state attorney may petition the county court in the county in which the body was found to hold an inquest into any death for which an examination, investigation, or autopsy is required to be performed by the medical examiner pursuant to the provisions of s. 406.11 when there is a question of the involvement of a criminal act, criminal negligence, or foul play in the death.”

Eddins has petitioned the Court for an inquest in the death of Victor Steen. Although we have yet to see the video from Officer Ard’s patrol car. The inquest request says that “Officer Ard struck Mr. Steen who was no longer on the bicycle. Following impact, Mr. Steen was dragged underneath Officer Ard’s patrol car for approximately 35 feet before coming to a stop on a landscaped parking island”
