And now this: Hill pledges to repeal gun reform law

Mike Hill, a candidate for Florida House District 1, issued a press release to announce his intention to repeal portions of FL SB 7026 if elected.

He wants to repeal the higher age limit, which changed the minimum age for gun purchases from 18 to 21, and the three-day waiting period for gun purchase that were included in SB 7026.

Hill declared the reforms were “enacted by emotional mob rule” because he believes lawmakers refused to “debate facts over emotions.”

“In 2017,  there were 15 students killed by gunfire on public school grounds and Democrats used this to justify the theft of our constitutional rights in their legislative agendas,” Hill said.

However, only 10 House Democrats voted for the bill. The Republicans are the ones who got the legislation passed.

The bill was approved in the Florida House by a 67-50 vote. Of 76 House Republicans, 57 voted in favor of the bill, with 19 against it. Of the 41 House Democrats, 10 voted yes and 31 voted no.

Hill compared the school deaths to greater number of student fatalities due to texting and driving and other car-related incidents.

“There is one statistic which truly demonstrates the hypocrisy of this legislation: 128 people are killed annually by a school transportation vehicle,” said Hill. “Will the New Democrat Party now call for bus-free zones?”

Of the gun reforms being debated around the state, the higher age limit and three-day waiting period were the most popular, according to our polling.

Age Limit Statewide
Yes 65.8%
No 21.2%
Undecided 13.0%
Three-Day Statewide
Yes 84.2%
No 11.2%
Undecided 4.6%

6 thoughts on “And now this: Hill pledges to repeal gun reform law

  1. I was aware of that.

    And I was surmising Mike Hill thought that the bill was bad law.

  2. Mike,
    Just injecting facts into the discussion. The Republicans drafted and passed the bill, not Democrats.

  3. Quit reading evil things into this, I believe Mike Hill thinks there are parts of the reform that are bad law affecting good people. My Dad used to say for every justice in the world, there is an injustice, and it just depends on the pig being poked at the time.

  4. Coincidentally, the lack of any prior effort by the GOP to strengthen background checks, increase education and storage requirements, strengthen oversight on the transfer of ownership of gun from one party to another and give the government more power to suspend someone’s ownership abilities based on behavior all led to these reform measures after this recent shooting. Had the GOP made any effort to do one of the aforementioned regulations in the past, they could probably have argued these restrictions weren’t necessary and actions were already being taken.
    So, Hill wants to undo a law that is a reaction to their inaction.

  5. So Mike is comparing how a child is killed? One way is worse than the other? Shaking my head…
    We should find ways to address every issue that will impact a child’s life.

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