Another City of Pensacola public records coordinator bites the dust

The turnover bug continues to plague City Hall. Matt Shaud is no longer Mayor Ashton Hayward’s Public Records Coordinator, a position he had held since July 2016 after Maxwell Branham resigned.

City Attorney Lysia Bowling now runs the City’s Sunshine Center that deals with all public record requests.

The Sunshine Center was formed in August 2013 after a scathing report from the State Attorney’s Office regarding how the Hayward Administration had mishandled public record requests.

In its three and a half years of existence, the Sunshine Center has had three public records coordinators:Jane Ballard August 2013-June 2015; Branham June 2015-July 2016; Shaud July 2016-Feb 2017.

Prior to Hayward’s election, the City Clerk handled all record requests. There was no turnover in that position.

After his election, his staff began to interfere with the process which led to the SAO report. Read more.
