Rick's Blog

Bergosh: SAO refuses to prosecute to protect Childers

County Commissioner Jeff Bergosh said he wants to talk to State Attorney Ginger Madden about her decision not to charge Jonathan Owens.

“I’m not giving up on the idea that Ginger Madden won’t look at this, or at least at a minimum turn it over to the grand jury, Rick; because of this, they jumped through hoops of fire to go after me for what they thought was a misdemeanor sunshine violation,” he said. “Of course, that never happened. I never committed a violation. The grand jury went through my texts with a fine tooth comb, and they came back with no true bill because I follow the rules that would’ve been a misdemeanor if they jumped through hoops.”

He continued, “This is a felony, 20 citizens over a hundred documents, artifacts that were confidential and privileged and multiple people have it. And I think that’s the real thing, Rick. They don’t want to see all the monsters under the bed. They just don’t want to deal with it. The problem they’ve got is I’m not going to let it go. They won. They won the election largely on this and some other reasons too. But what’s right is right, and they need to go after the people that possess this information unlawfully.”

The commissioner alleged that one of the “monsters under the bed” is County Clerk Pam Childers, whom he says has the files.

“I’ll break some news for you. Pam Childers has admitted she has a copy. She’s admitted it in front of multiple members of the staff of the state attorney’s office. They don’t want to go after her. Thus they’re not going to go after Jonathan.

See how this works?” We don’t go after him and we sweep it under the carpet. Then we don’t have to go after our buddy Pam Childers, who has admitted that she had it or has it and has probably given it to multiple people.

You have to think logically. Jonathan gets this purportedly, I’m doing air quotes as a public records request. We all know that wasn’t, that’s a lie. They were stolen confidential files. End of conversation. Who is he going to share that with? Of course, he’s going to share it with his boss, Doug Underhill. Obviously, he’s apparently Teflon. Nothing sticks to him. And he’s going to share it with Pam Childers, his ally against me.”


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