Ringling’s Elephant in the Room

Why weren’t they beating the inflatable elephant? “We wanna keep it, you know, family friendly,” said Tracy Patton, of PETA. “Keep a gentle visual.” Hunkered…

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Dirty Smurfs

Escambia County officials have no interest in seeing a recycling center on a collection of remediated Superfund sites. They also don’t want to see any…

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The ‘Make Us Whole’ Boat Ramps

How will we be ‘made whole’ following the 2010 oil spill? For starters, how about some boat ramps for $4.4 million? Over the next few…

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Oil Spill Health Study Comes to Town

Following the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, researchers of various stripes have been studying the disaster’s possible impacts. What did the spill…

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Reading Between BP’s Lines

BP’s latest PR blitz—stressing the company’s ‘ongoing commitment’—has a glitch. It hides amidst shots of sparkling beaches and good times on the Gulf Coast. You’ve…

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Port as Offshore-Drilling Pitstop?

The Global 1200 is the latest gargantuan fixture up at Pensacola’s port. It’s a whopper of a vessel, with steel braids of cranes and infrastructure…

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Bondi Responds to Feinberg’s Freeze

Recently, Gulf Coast Claims Facility Claims Administrator Kenneth Feinberg froze payments following a court order from Dec. 28. The Court in the multi-district oil spill…

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A More ‘Walkable, Bikeable’ Pensacola

An environmental group will implore the Pensacola City Council to implement policies that foster a more sustainable city. Sustainable Gulf Coast/Pensacola 350 will present A…

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Cameron loses appeal in BP case

Bloomberg reports Cameron International Corp. lost its appeal to derail the February nonjury trial over which companies should be blamed for the 2010 BP Plc…

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BP’d Off

While BP, along with federal and state governments, appear ready to move into the restoration phase of post-spill efforts, there are others who are hung…

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Gas Cash

Although the Pensacola City Council approved the borrowing of $5 million for improvements and purchases for its natural gas infrastructure, it was not without some…

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Tebow has Broncos believing in miracles

The Denver Post’s Mark Kiszla has his take on yet another comeback by Denver QB Tim Tebow. Best quote is from Bronco cornerback: “Don’t flipping…

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