We need claim stories

At today’s press conference, BP spokesperson Lucia Bustamante said that all claims were being paid within seven days of being filed. We need actual stories…

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Fantastic Relief Project

Email from Kimberly Davion: Hi Rick! This is Kimberly Davion. I wanted to share a story with you on a project that I have coordinated…

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Bloomberg: Stop whining, Pensacola

Bloomberg columnist Matthew Lynn writes that we Americans should to stop whining. He recommends that BP quit apologizing and instead go on the attack. “…there…

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Bridge loan program activated at 7-week mark

Press Release: Governor Crist Activates Emergency Bridge Loan Program for Businesses Affected by Gulf Oil Spill ~Program provides $5 million in short-term funds to help…

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City hires Hatch Mott

Mayor Mike Wiggins announced at the June 7, 4:30 p.m press conference at the EOC that the City has hired Hatch Mott MacDonald to monitor…

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Poll: BP handling this worse than Katrina nightmare

ABC NEWS reports Americans by more than 2-1 support pursuit of criminal charges in the nation’s worst oil spill , with increasing numbers calling it…

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Why only $5000?

Yesterday, Lucia Bustamonte become the first BP representative to answer questions at an EOC press conference. I asked her how do BP come up with…

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Another leak in the Gulf? (video)

Pilot Tom Hutchings, who lives in Fairhope, Ala. and has been featured on NPR, has a new YouTube video of what he found near another…

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Game of Three Questions

On May 26, Escambia County Commissioner Grover Robinson sent a letter to Liz Castro about the Bayou Chico Staging Area. It was hand delivered to…

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CBC NEWS – Power & Politics with Evan Solomon

I am on Canadian Broadcast Corp.’s version of the PBS NewsHour – Power & Politics with Evan Solomon. The segment was taped on Pensacola Beach…

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Latest Escambia EOC update

Escambia Disaster Response – Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Monday, June 7 – 5:00 p.m. – Update #38 * If you see tar or oiled debris…

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McCollum aide upset over blog (read my response)

Rick, Your blog posting today is inaccurate and unfair. The Attorney General has been out front demanding the Federal Government be more aggressive in Florida…

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