Council should hit ‘pause’ button on Bayview Center

Everyone agrees the Bayview Community Center should be replaced. However, we at Inweekly believe that more input from the public and the Pensacola City Council…

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Buchanan calls for halt on Bayview Center and Boathouse

Pensacola mayoral candidate Drew Buchanan has called for an immediate halt construction of the Bayview Park Community Center and asked for the Pensacola City Council…

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Council budget analyst questions Bayview Center spending

Butch Hansen, the budget analyst for the Pensacola City Council, yesterday sent an email to his bosses that pointed out his concerns and questions regarding…

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Poll: Less than half of city voters support expensive Bayview Center

Yesterday, Inweekly/Political Matrix surveyed 450 likely voters of the City of Pensacola and found the city is divided on whether to spend $9.6 million on…

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Hayward spending 12 percent of LOST IV project allocations on Bayview Center and Boathouse

The Local Option Sales Tax – Series IV Plan covers all of the city of Pensacola’s capital projects through Dec. 31, 2029. The project allocations…

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Judge grants rehearing on Fish Hatchery lawsuit

Circuit Judge W. Joel Boles has granted Dan Lindemann and Jerry Holzworth a rehearing on their lawsuit against the City of Pensacola, its CRA and…

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Skatepark vs. Bayview Center and Boathouse

If the City of Pensacola could rein in the $9.6-million cost for the proposed Bayview Park Community Center and Boathouse and get the cost closer…

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Should City of Pensacola give sanitation customers rebates

Since Oct. 1, 2017, the City of Pensacola’s Sanitation Services has collected its customers recycling every week and dumped the recyclables at the Perdido Landfill…

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PHS student Tamin Kawakibi named U.S. Presidential Scholar

U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos today announced the selection of Tamim Kawakibi of Pensacola, Florida, who attends Pensacola High School in Pensacola, as a…

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Cervantes claims another life

A pedestrian was fatally hit by a car Tuesday evening near the intersection of Cervantes Street at Pickens Avenue. Pensacola Police report the man was taken to…

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Olson cuts a half million off Bayview Center cost, still 60 percent over budget

Yesterday, City Administrator Eric Olson sent the Pensacola City Council a new budget for the proposed Bayview Community Center that reduced the total budget from…

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Timeline for Bayview Center very different from Sanders Beach Center

Before this year, the Sanders Beach Corrine Jones Community Center was the most expensive center built in the city of Pensacola, with a price tag…

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