Inside Fire Chiefs Report: Deas complaint, failed to follow union grievance process

Chief Human Resources Office Ed Sisson complained, “Schmitt and Glover intentionally and deceptively severely retaliated against Edward Deas, an African-American Fire Lieutenant, merely because Deas made…

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Inside Fire Chiefs Report: Drug test, questioned but taken, nothing improper found

Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson also complained that “Glover improperly tried to obstruct a random drug test.” Beggs & Lane attorney Russell Van Sickle…

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Inside the Fire Chiefs Report: Sisson upset about dinner remarks, really?

Chief Human Resource Officer Ed Sisson claimed that Deputy Fire Chief Joe Glover publicly demeaned him during the Firefighters Annual Awards ceremony Beggs & Lane…

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Inside Fire Chiefs Investigation: Battalion chief raises, ‘blame to go around to all’

Chief Human Resources Officer Ed Sisson complained that “(Deputy Fire Chief) Glover and (Fire Chief) Schmitt handled raise requests for the battalion chiefs poorly, and…

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Inside Pensacola Fire Chiefs report: Jan 2016 was first time PFD handled hiring process without HR, but given no written protocols

Last night, I reviewed Exhibit VII that supports the section of Russell Van Sickles’ report regarding the first of six complaints that Chief Human Resource…

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Pensacola council president wants council to discuss fire chiefs with mayor

Pensacola City Council President Charles Bare plans to ask the council to add on tomorrow’s agenda at a discussion item regarding the termination of Fire…

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Inside the report on Pensacola Fire chiefs: how the 25 years-plus careers of two firefighters ended in 98 days

Yesterday, Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward issued a press release announcing that he was terminating the employment of Fire Chief Matt Schmitt and Deputy Fire Chief…

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Performance evaluations rare at Pensacola City Hall since 2011

Inweekly made a public record request for the last job performance evaluations for 31 employees listed on the city’s website. Three of the employees listed…

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Stafford warns council of adding too many charter amendments to ballot

Escambia Supervisor of Elections David Stafford is concerned that adding a lot of city charter amendments to the ballot might cause problems next November. May…

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Johnson wants to attract young talent to Pensacola City Council

Today, the Pensacola City Council will hold a workshop to discuss 11 proposed amendments to the Pensacola City Council. The News Journal published a viewpoint…

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Fire Station No. 3 evacuated due to mold

Former Pensacola City Council President Maren Deweese reported yesterday that Fire Station 3 that’s located on Summit Boulevard has been evacuated. She wrote that station…

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Maybe the time has come for new Pensacola Charter Commission

Next Monday, the Pensacola City Council will hold a workshop concerning possible changes to the city charter. The most publicized proposal is to reduce the…

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