Montgomery mayor welcomes Sky Warrior project

WSFA reports that Montgomery, Ala. Mayor Todd Strange is excited about his city being considered for Sky Warrior’s Initial Flight Screening Program, which could include…

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Municipal Official of the Year award named for Wu

Somehow the City of Pensacola’s Communications Department missed this. Jackson County Floridan reports that during the June 2015 Northwest Florida League of Cities board meeting,…

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Three strikes put Olson on the hot seat

The News Journal is reporting today that Mayor Ashton Hayward’s City Administrator Eric Olson has been accused of threatening an NAS employee who also heads…

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Councilman Brian Spencer also cleared

The Florida Ethics Commission also dismissed a series of allegations against Pensacola City Councilman Brian Spencer. From the report: No probable cause was found to…

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Council given mixed messages on Tamara Fountain’s departure

Yesterday, Mayor Ashton Hayward announced that his Chief Operations Officer, Tamara Fountain, had resigned. Before the official announcement was sent to the media, Hayward sent…

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Mayor says it is his fault that he screwed up qualifications of his COO

Mayor Ashton Hayward told WEAR TV that he misspoke about his former Chief Operations Officer’s education. Employees have come forward and said the COO talked…

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Fountain blames demise on local media and bloggers who ‘repeatedly crossed line and bullied public employees…’

Mayor Ashton Hayward’s Chief Operations Officer, Tamara Fountain, resigned this morning. She also sent a letter to the Pensacola City Council saying, “It has been…

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COO Fountain resigns

Press Release: The City of Pensacola announced today that Tamara Fountain would step down as Chief Operations Officer in order to pursue other opportunities. During…

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Hiring Fountain makes sense if…

From the perspective of education and work history, Mayor Hayward’s hiring of Tamara Fountain as his Communications Administrator, at a salary above the market, doesn’t…

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PBR: Olson has his own cover-up

While his co-leader, COO Tamara Fountain, is battling to keep her job, City Administrator Eric Olson has some explaining to do about the Planning Department…

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PNJ editorial focuses the resume issue back on Mayor Ashton Hayward

The daily newspaper has a strong editorial coming out tomorrow. It is available online now: “City blind to bigger picture.” The editorial board points out…

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Resume-gate: How a snafu became a full blown crisis on the 7th floor of City Hall

On July 24, Mayor Ashton Hayward is interviewed by WEAR TV reporter Amber Southard about his restructuring of his administration and the qualifications of his…

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