What does “Will Call” mean?

There’s a lot of CYA going on in the death of Leonard Black in the county jail. In follow-up story in the News Journal, the…

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Support for Hall

I sincerely hope a less inflammatory and factually based follow-up article hits the old fashioned news racks as well as online editions soon. The important…

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Meet Park developers

We’ve started a new Inside Business section to the Independent News. This month we have an in-depth look at the finalists to be the master…

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Letter from Sam Hall

The major discrepancy the 26 July 2007 Pensacola News Journal article regarding my truck’s brake failure is that it was neither I nor any associate…

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Obesity is contagious

The  New England Journal of Medicine reports that people are most likely to become obese when a friend becomes obese. That increases a person’s chances…

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City employees don’t like criticism

That’s what the title of today’s News Journal story could have been. Sam Hall writes a joke about city workers taking naps in their city…

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Pensacola moves slooooooooooooow

Here’s example of how slowly things move in Pensacola versus the rest of the world: On May 12, 2007, Grand Prairie Texas passed a 1/8…

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Simple Strong Mayor Plan

Let’s follow the San Diego model: Vote for a five-trial period for the strong mayor beginning January 1, 2009. We will elect the first strong…

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Only Pensacola: Man jailed for excessive 911 calls

A Pensacola man is charged with making false 9-1-1 calls. Authorities say Cheveon Ford made 292 calls since the beginning of this month. He was…

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Legal Buzz – inside the judicial center

One criminal defense expert tells the IN that judges like Shackleford and Judge Linda Nobles are known not to set bonds for VOP (Violations of…

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Pensacola drops millage

On Monday, the City of Pensacola Finance Committee approved the City Manager’s recommended 2008 millage of 4.598 mills, down from 4.95. This will be voted…

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History on Esc. Co. Public Health

A Brief History of Public Health in Escambia County, Florida By: John J. Lanza, MD, PhD, MPH, FAAP Director, Escambia County Health Department Verified by:…

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