Panhandle news roundup

Pensacola News Journal continues its series on the Last Navy Officers Candidates Recruits. Also catches up on the Copeland’s papers story that WEAR reported Friday. …

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Panhandle news roundup

Pensacola may lose The Zoo. The Gulf Breeze Zoological Society needs to raise $3M by year-end to keep it open. Hurricanes and years of running…

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Presidential candidates on healthcare

The NY Times (Graphic: Candidates on Health Care ) has a great table on the positions of the various presidential candidates on healthcare: Republicans: Sam…

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Gannett tightens up more

The alt-weekly in Burlington, VT reports that its local Gannett-owned daily newspaper, Burlington Free Press, has initiated more cost cutting measures: eliminating free parking for…

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Scarborough, Miller entertain Thompson

IN cover boy, Joe Scarborough, Congressman Jeff Miller and Collier Merrill entertained potential GOP presidential candidate Fred Thompson last night at The Fish House. He…

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Panhandle news roundup

FridayDaily Dose Pensacola daily tells its readers to leave their trailers during hurricanes, but says nothing about the car on blocks in the front yard….

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More on Century

There are people around that remember beyond just last week. The Century-law enforcement-drugs issue has been around longer than the daily newspaper’s articles last week….

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More than just smoke

Firefighting in Escambia County is in shambles. You can spin it a dozen different ways. You can pit the paid firefighters union against the volunteers….

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IN: Morning Joe interview

The July 5th issue has a candid interview with Joe Scarborough, former Congressman and host of “Scarborough Country” and “Morning Joe” at MSNBC. Here are…

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WEAR TV reports on fire audit

Local TV station reported July 4 on the audit. Pensacola News Journal remains silent – not even a news brief or “Newsy Neighbors” segment on…

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Panhandle news roundup

ThursDaily Dose Freedom rule with the key syllable being “free” as an estimated 100,000 view free fireworks. Splenda and Sugar are battling in court in…

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Happy Fourth of July

Taking the day off from the blog. Celebrate our independence and have a safe holiday!

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