Is Florida’s boom over?

The St. Pete Times writes that the state’s 50 year population boom may be over. Three of the nation’s largest van lines moved more customers…

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State government has higher revenue, too.

With all the finger pointing by the state lawmakers over how local governments are growing and just keep absorbing property tax increases, the NY Times…

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Hospitals without real need

For years Baptist Hospital has been trying to put beds in its Nine Mile Road facility and make it a full hospital. West Florida Hospital…

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Property tax Q & A

The daily has devoted days of coverage to property taxes, and I still get questions about what is the real impact. The Orlando Sentinel did…

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INweekly newspaper highlights

MonDaily Dose PNJ writes on Joe Scarborough replacing Imus and has another property tax article. The Daily News is asleep and doesn’t update website. News…

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Sopranos ending disappoints

Dull. Spent entire show waiting for something big to happen. Phil gets knocked off, not Tony. Homeland Security helps Tony’s crew locate him. AJ goes…

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PNJ adds disclaimer and posting rules

Here’s something new on the site: and its related sites are pleased to be able to offer its users the opportunity to make…

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Wernicke nails it

In his Sunday column (Carl Wernicke: Our real problem remains insurance ), Carl Wernicke nails it. Insurance is a much bigger issue than property taxes….

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Poverty as a political platform

Those who read my column and this blog know of my concerns over this area’s poverty. The NY Times has a great article on how…

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What’s in the daily newspapers

As we all suspected the big feature in the PNJ is on property taxes and local budgets. The Money section reminds us that there are…

Continue Reading viewers don’t like Joe

Joe still has problems with the locals or, at least, the daily newspaper’s web readers if you believe the accuracy of the daily’s web survey….

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My Sopranos ending

Tony hires Ellis Bullock who helps spin this misunderstanding with Phil and rebuilds Tony’s image. Mort O’Sullivan steps in and helps the two mob bosses…

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