House District 3 strategies

Ford GOP Game Plan Solidify your base – make sure Pensacola Christian College and Gulf Breeze vote. Reach out to Scarborough, Hart and Banjanin. Don’t…

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Menge funeral

Just got back from the funeral for M.J. Menge at Trinity Presb. Church. Packed house. Very, very moving celebration of M.J.’s life. One of the…

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TomKat Factor

Did Tom Banjanin hurt the George Scaborough campaign? I believe it splintered the Escambia County vote further. Brother Joe always did well with the older…

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WEAR blows off House Dist. 3 election

No updates given on the air. House District 3 results didn’t even lead off 10 pm newscast. ….sad, very sad

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After the votes are counted – Dem side

Liz Campbell did it. Hard work overcame Life Skill money. Wyche’s political career is over. African American community must find new candidates and quit throwing…

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After the votes are counted – GOP side

GOP: Scarborough wins most precincts, but can’t overcome huge Ford turnout in Gulf Breeze (62%) and Pensacola Christian College (74%). So the Scarborough political organization…

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Combined Numbers

GOP Ford 2,450 – 35% Scarborough 1,970 – 28% Hart 1,319 – 19% Banjanin 1,233 – 28% 18% Dems Campbell 1,997 – 53% Wyche 1,787…

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Campbell does likewise on Dem side

In GB Liz Campbell 162 John Wyche 30

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Ford wins Gulf Breeze and race

Ford 713 Scarborough 310 Banjanin 81 Hart 55

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Esc. Co. Final Results

GOP Primary Tom Banjanin  1,152   (19.8%) C.V. (Clay) Ford       1,737   (29.9%)           Lyn Hart         1,264   (21.7%) George Scarborough   1,660   (28.6%) Democratic Primary Election Elizabeth Campbell   1,835  …

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John Mayer concedes race

Aqua Teen Hunger Force wants a recount.

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Pensacola Christian goes for Ford

Big surprise: Banjanin 36 Ford 217 Hart 7 Scarborough 34 FYI: only 18 people voted Democrat at PCC…proves Satan is everywhere

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