Drill, Maybe, Drill?

With less than two years having passed since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, nearly 80 percent of Floridians support…

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Bayou Bridge Fishing Banned

Fishing is no longer allowed on the Cervantes Street bridge spanning Bayou Texar. “The fishermen have lost their privilege to fish there,” said Pensacola City…

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Hayward Assembles Downtown Team

Pensacola’s mayor has assembled an Urban Redevelopment Advisory Committee in an effort to focus of the development of the city’s downtown. Beginning this month, the…

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C-SPAN in Pensacola

You’ve watched it in the middle of the night on television, now come aboard the bus. The C-SPAN Campaign 2012 Bus will be making a…

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Romney 46.4%

“A competitive primary does not divide us” Read Washington Post “Romney Wins Big in Florida Primary”

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Florida GOP Timeline

 As Florida heads to the polls Santorum has gone, Romney has a double digit lead, and it ended up downright nasty between the two GOP…

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Gingrich’s Fly-by

A chilly line of political spectators waited outside an airplane hangar this morning for an opportunity to see GOP presidential candidate Newt Gingrich. Though he…

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More photos from Romney visit

Courtesy of Rising Star Ed Banacia

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Blueprint for keeping college affordable

In his State of the Union address, President Obama called for a comprehensive approach to tackling rising college cost. Here’s his blueprint: Creating New Incentives…

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Video: Is the rest of the GOP hurting Gingrich?

Some say Newt Gingrich doesn’t need the support of the rest of the GOP to win his party’s nomination, but is that true? Nancy Cordes…

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Buzz: NW Florida key to big victory for Romney

At the Mitt Romney rally on Saturday, I got a chance to talk with some of Gov. Mitt Romney’s campaign people. They believe Northwest Florida…

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Mitt’s Pancake Pep Rally

Most of the folks attending this morning’s Mitt Romney rally in Pensacola seemed a lot like Romney. They were polished and sharp and dashing. Flashing…

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