Who lays pipe the best?

Though the industry sometimes touts natural gas drilling as dominated by small businesses, the 10 largest drillers account for one-third of all domestic production. ProPublica…

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Blog has record month

We had 27,139 unique visitors. Total visitors (excluding traffic generated by robots) 96,600. Page views 472, 955. Our bounce rate is 6.3 percent. If you…

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Downtown moratorium

Tattoo parlors, restaurant chain cannibals, what’s next? Maybe somebody will bring back the Red Garter. For all its parking tickets, the Downtown Improvement Board and…

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Firefighters’ Union supports Hayward budget

Press Release: The Pensacola Professional Firefighters support Mayor Hayward and his budget as presented to the Pensacola City Council.  Both the Mayor and his union…

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Childers filed today

Pam Childers has filed today to run for Escambia County Clerk of Courts, the position held by Ernie Lee Magaha before color televisions were invented.

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Spencer: ‘Let my council go’

Pensacola City Councilman Brian Spencer has earned a nickname around town after his exodus from Thursday’s budget workshop: “Moses” for trying to lead the city…

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New Apple CEO grew up in Robertsdale

Mobile Press Register reports that Tim Cook, who took the helm of Apple, Inc. this week is a Robertsdale, Alabama, native. Cook, took charge of…

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Details on the huge Offshore Inland ship at the port

Here is the link on the ship that docked at the Port of Pensacola this morning: http://www.globalind.com/Documents/Operations/Vessels/Global_1200_WEB09.pdf

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Is Pensacola Fire Department top heavy?

Council President Maren Deweese wants to bring back the fire rescue units. If her facts hold up, she has a compelling case. If the rest…

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LeaP Forward banquet

Over 120 people attended the second annual IN LeaP Forward banquet that was held to honor and challenge the incoming Leadership Pensacola class. They listened…

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What I missed of the City Council workshop

PNJ’s Jamie Page had to sit through the entire Pensacola City Council workshop. In reading his article, “Council members leave budget meeting over bickering,” my…

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Is Deal Chicken too slow to the gate?

The News Journal is about to unveil the latest Gannett project – Deal Chicken – which is targeted to compete with Groupon, Val-Pak and other…

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