Billings case recap: Early Thursday Evening, July 9

I’ve been reviewing the various reports on the home invasion and murder of Byrd and Melanie Billings and have put together a narrative of the…

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Buzz: Nothing on credit cards

The county audit of the Arts Council of Northwest Florida didn’t cover the credit cards the group processed for local artists. We are still get…

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Murzin weighs in on Sinclair-Mediacom spat

Chairman Julius Genachowski Federal Communications Commission 445 12th Street, S.W., Room 8-B201 Washington, D.C. 20554 Re: Mediacom v. Sinclair Retransmission Consent Dispute Dear Chairman Genachowski,…

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Arts Council audit recommends no more funds

We’ve obtained a draft copy of the audit of the Arts Council of Northwest Florida that was conducted by the Escambia County Clerk/Comptroller. The audit…

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Nodine has pot issue

Two days before Christmas, county employees found a “leafy, green, plant-like material” believed to be marijuana in a county-owned pickup truck issued to Mobile County…

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Derek finds possible Sunshine violation

Derek Cosson and Progressive Pensacola requested the emails of the Escambia County Consolidation Study Commission (ECCSC) and he have uncovered communications which, in his words,…

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Buzz: missing credit card payments

We are hearing that artists and some of the smaller arts groups were using the Arts Council to process credit card payments and those payments…

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Story behind the Peoples closure

Peoples First was headquartered in Panama City. The News Herald reported on the closure of the bank and Mississippi-based Hancock Bank winning the FDIC bidding…

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PNJ editorial misses the point

The PNJ scolds Rev. May and his church today. Once again the daily newspaper fails to understand the political moves being played. During the city…

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Arts Council finances are a mess

The problem with the Arts Council of Northwest Florida is not that it “over-allocated” funds. In documents received by the IN, it appears the arts…

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McLaughlin contract not renewed

At this morning’s meeting, Escambia County Commission voted 4-1 to not renew County Administrator Bob McLaughlin’s contract. As expected, Marie Young was the sole vote…

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Thomas strongarms church

Without talking with Rev. May, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas goes on television and says that he has made a deal to sell Brownsville Middle School. He…

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