CBS reports couple not killed by contract

CBS News is reporting that “Florida police have now unequivicably stated they are not investigating the murder of Byrd and Melinda Billings as a contract hit.”

Further in the report:

Sheriff’s spokesman Ted Roy said Tuesday that investigators only considered a contract hit as a possibility for “a fleeting second during the initial phase of the investigation.”

“Could it still be a motive? I guess it could, but someone else other than the investigators assigned to the Billings case will have to investigate it because investigators working the Billings case sure don’t believe so,” he said.

Read more.

Other agencies are investigating the contract killing, not the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office. My report never said the ECSO was investigating it. I reported:

Sources close to suspects and persons of interests in the Billings murders allege that Patrick Gonzalez, Jr. was paid to kill Byrd and Melanie Billings. They claim that the investigators have been told this and that the contract price was between $20,000-$50,000 and whatever Gonzalez and his accomplices could remove from the Billings residence.

CBS News isn’t asking the right questions of the right people. My report will stand the test of time. Other parts –like the practice run– have proved to be true and have been given to other media.

BTW: CBS News has not contact me about this story.