City Attorney apologizes to City

At the end of business (which is 5 p.m. for everyone but the Tick Tock Gang) yesterday, Pensacola City Attorney Rusty Wells sent an apology memo for the citizens of Pensacola to the media for distribution. The apology is over the emails that Well’s sent to a subordinate during a council meeting.

In his memo, Wells states, “One email in particular was made during a City Council business meeting and it reflected adversely upon the City Council, and it contained crude and juvenile language not fitting for the occasion at hand.”

Wells writes, “As City Attorney, it is my responsibility to help train city employees and advise city officials to avoid and refrain from the very kind of conduct that I myself engaged in. It is not an excuse to say that I did not intend the consequences to occur, and in fact there is really no excuse for my action. To all the citizens and taxpayers of the City of Pensacola, I offer my most sincere apology.”

ReadApology Memo
