City government cost residents 21 cents more than in 2012

As part of its Budget in Brief report, the city of Pensacola breaks down the General Fund budget into cost per resident.  Even though the General Fund no longer funds Library Services ( 6.3 cents per resident) and Debt Service (14.1 cents), the cost per resident has jumped from $2.50 to $2.71.

If you take out the Library Services and Debt Service from the FY 2012 budget, the cost per resident increased 18percent – from $2.30 to $2.71.

Tax Increment Financing District payments have increased because of the increase in the property values in the CRA districts. The Gulf Course Subsidy has more than doubled. Parks & Recreation is up 86 percent, Fiscal Control 83 percent and City Employment 65 percent.

Only Fire Services and Public Works are costing residents less than they did in 2012.

In the four years prior to the strong mayor taking office, the cost per resident went from $2.85 (FY 2007) to $2.44 (FY 2011).


What do General Fund Services cost per resident?

FY 2012 FY 2019 Increase
Police Services  $    0.922  $       1.130 23%
Fire Services  $    0.508  $       0.498 -2%
Parks & Recreation  $    0.175  $       0.325 86%
Public Works & Facilities  $    0.312  $       0.225 -28%
Debt Service  $    0.141  $            –
Stormwater Capital  $    0.119  $       0.140 18%
Tax Increment Financing Dist.  $    0.073  $       0.124 70%
Legislative/Adminstrative  $    0.076  $       0.100 32%
Library Services  $    0.063  $            –
Agency Funding  $    0.030  $       0.047 57%
Planning Services  $    0.036  $       0.044 22%
Fiscal Control  $    0.023  $       0.042 83%
City Employment  $    0.017  $       0.028 65%
Golf Course Subsidy  $    0.005  $       0.011 120%
 $    2.500  $         2.71