City of Pensacola Sunshine Center continues to unravel

The City of Pensacola Sunshine Center appears to have overcharged Inweekly for several record requests.

Here is just one example:

In August, the newspaper requested emails tied to the Local Option Gas tax from the first quarter of 2013. The Sunshine Center billed the newspaper for:

Mandy Bills – “Personnel services required to locate and review approximately 180 emails potentially responsive to request.” 2.0 hours x $18.82 per hour= $37.64


Matt Shaud – Personnel services required to review and redact emails and records responsive to request. 1.5 hours x $18.82 per hour= $37.64

The City deducted a half-hour “Less total labor fees waived in accordance with FS 119 and City of Pensacola Public Records Policy”

The net total that Inweekly paid was $56.46.

The problem is the Sunshine Center only gave the newspaper 26 emails.

See prr_invoice_-_outzen_1461.

Inweekly requested this morning the other 154 emails that the Bills located and reviewed.
