City of Tallahassee cuts property taxes, eliminates business tax

The City of Tallahassee is taking an approach to its budget that is different from Pensacola Mayor Ashton Hayward and his leadership team.

On last Wednesday, the Tallahassee City Commission voted to cut the city’s property tax rate by 2.3 percent. The commissioners also voted to eliminate its Business License Tax.

The Tallahassee City Commission made the decision at its last budget workshop. The Pensacola City Council has not begun holding budget workshops. Mayor Hayward only released his budget proposal on Monday.

The Tallahassee city manager presented the proposed FY 2017 budget to the mayor, commission and citizens of Tallahassee on June 13. His FY17 General Fund budget totaled $145.9 million, $3.2 million less than the FY16 budget.

Mayor Hayward’s FY17 General Fund budget is about a third of Tallahassee’s. No tax cuts are recommended.
