City voters care more for needs of city than individual districts

According to a recent Inweekly/Political Matrix poll, city voters aren’t as concerned about their districts as they are about their city council representatives doing what’s best for the city as whole. In fact, many voters aren’t sure in which city district they live.

We asked 579 likely city voters whether or not they thought their city council representative should look out for their district more than the needs of the city as a whole.

Only a little over a third agreed with that statement, 37.8 percent, while 42.5 percent felt their council person should concentrate on the city as a whole. A little less than 20 percent were undecided.

How do you feel about this statement: “My city council representative should be looking out for my district more than the needs of the city as a whole.”

Responses: 579TotalOverall %
Should represent district21937.8%
Should represent city as a whole24642.5%

No district had half or more of its voters that approved of their council person focusing more on their district than the needs of the city as a whole.

The two most district-centric districts were D2 represented by Sherri Myers (46.8%) and D5 represented by Gerald Wingate (45.8%).

The most city-focused districts were D3 represented by Andy Terhaar (56.1%) and D6 represented by Ann Hill (46.9%).

Responses: 5791234567
Represent district39.846.826.840.945.833.733.7
Represent city as a whole42.235.556.137.539.846.937.3
Undecided18.117.717.121.614.519.4 28.9

Here are the percentages of those who identified their district correctly.

District 150.6%
District 233.9%
District 362.2%
District 450.0%
District 567.5%
District 665.3%
District 757.8%


The persons sampled were likely voters of the city of Pensacola with a voting score of 100% for the general election cycles. The voters were called using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system during the hours of 1-7 p.m. on May 19. The Margin of Error for this study is +/- 4.5% with a confidence level of 95%. .