Civil rights group has recommendations for Civilian Oversight Committee

From the Central Gulf Coast People’s Council:

As organizers committed to seeing justice for Tymar Crawford and for all victims of police violence, we are thrilled about the new progress towards a Civilian Oversight Committee within the City of Pensacola. We commend each and every person who has put their body on the line or spoken out for justice in the weeks and months since July 5, 2019. This is a victory for the people.

Four City Council members have not yet announced their appointees, so now is the time for everyone to make calls and write emails to these City Council members and encourage them to each appoint from the the following list of community members, who we know will faithfully carry out their obligation to protect and defend our community:

Taran Black
Sharrelle Cromartie
Jamil Davis
J. Garrett Green
Trina Ramos

Jared Moore
Phone: ‪(850) 418-2269‬

John Jerralds
Phone: (850) 433-1749

Ann Hill
Phone: ‪(850) 418-3492‬

Jewel Cannada-Wynn
Phone: ‪(850) 346-7264‬

2 thoughts on “Civil rights group has recommendations for Civilian Oversight Committee

  1. CJ
    Under your logic, the police should
    all be Pensacola residents. Businesses should only be owned by Pensacola residents that hire only Pensacola residents. All Pensacola taxes should be paid by Pensacola residents. In other words, Pensacola is a white majorly island. Minorities should be ignored and voices ignored.

    That isn’t how we build a better world.

  2. As of the 2010 census, the city’s African-American population was down to 28%. Under the proposed arrangement, the city council will appoint seven members and the mayor will appoint four with at least three and possibly four members possibly replaced in November when the new city council takes office with three or four new members. All should be city residents and those appointed by city council members should live in the districts of those who appointed them and at whose pleasure they will serve. However, the numbers break out, the composition of the committee should mirror the city population that has more women than men, more older people than young and, as of 2010, 28% African-Americans. If the committee membership is stacked in favor of the African-American population, as I have heard they want it, someone telling me that they are demanding at least 40% of the members be African-American, the committee will have less credibility with the city population who count, city voters. We need to know everything the media can tell us about those appointed to include where they live, what they do for a living and if they belong to certain organizations to include those with an anti-police agenda. They also need to comply with Florida’s Government-in-the-Sunshine and public records laws and their meetings need to be documented by a certified court reporter so the public and media know exactly what was said and by whom.

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