Conflicting info on beach red clay

Beach photo 2Not to beat a dead horse… but my source from the county says that the red clay on Pensacola Beach was trucked out there from property owned by Roads, Inc. in the north part of Escambia County. Apparently Roads, Inc has been digging a huge pit up there and got around county ordinances by claiming it is a catfish pond. WEAR TV 3 did a story on it last month.
According to the source, one can tell that it’s not old clay because it has not oxidized yet. When clay is real, real red that means it has come out of the ground recently.

There are county employees that are upset, but feel powerless do anything. They can’t believe that no one on the beach, SRIA board or county commission is screaming about this.

According to my source, the clay was trucked over a month ago.

Looks like we will have to spend some more time trying to figure this out.
