Council executive back on agenda

The agenda for the Pensacola City Council Committee of the Whole for its August 15 meeting is online. Under “Discussion Items” is the proposed council executive.

On August 2, Mayor Ashton Hayward sent a memo to the council that the position that he had approved was C-03 unclassified position with a defined salary of $60,000-$75,000. Council President Maren Deweese points out in her memo (see Council Executive Aug Memo) that the candidates discussed have salary histories significantly more than the C-03 ceiling. (Please note that the job was posted without a salary range)

Council President Maren Deweese gives the council three options:
1. Should the search for a Council Executive be abandoned?
2. Should each of the candidates be offered the role at the salary recommended?
3. Who are the finalists and should they be contacted for a face-to-face interview?

Other agenda items

Council Communications & Actions:
Appointment – Fire Prevention Board of Appeals

Mayor Communications & Actions
1. Repealing and Replacing Chapter 13-1 of the City Code – Code Enforcement
2. Police Officer’ Retirement Fund Ordinance Amendment
3. Forgiveness of Friends of the Saenger Pledge – $57K of a $1 million commitment
4. Penny for Progress Sidewalk Program – $219K for new construction, $7,300 reconstruction, $3,200 contigencies
for 14th Avenue, Cordova Park, Wright St., Maxwell & Jordan streets, Cyrpess St.
5. Purchase of Playground Equipment for Cobb Community Center
6. A&E Design – Downtown Library – contract amendment: $30,663.55
7. 2010 Escambia County Local Mitigation Strategy
8. Request for Letter of Concurrence – Setback Waiver – Tanglewood Drive
9. Request to Amend License to Use Real Property – Portion of Plaza DeLuna – Jaco’s
10. Supplemental Budget Resolution

Information Items
Financial Report
Mayor’s Neighborhood Cleanup Program
Request to Vacate Right-of-Way – 1000 E. Maxwell St.
Request to Vacate Alleyway – Lakeview Center
Bayview Park Living Shoreline Project