COVID: November cases may top Oct and Sept combined

The COVID-19 stats as of Wednesday, Nov. 18 have been published by the Florida Department of Health.  Escambia County has the most new cases since Aug. 10– 130 local, 18 out-of-state for a total of 148.

Month to date, the county has new 1,619 Florida resident cases. For the month of October, Escambia only had 1,046 new cases; for September, 1,025. By Thanksgiving, the county likely will surpass the combined total for both months.

The positivity rate for Sept-Oct was 3.8%. The November rate is 8.4%.

Fortunately, our deaths are up but not the rate of Sept. or Oct.


17-Nov 18-Nov
Total 15436 15584 148
Florida 13802 13932 130
Non-FL 1634 1652 18
Hosp. 990 998 8
Deaths 290 293 3
LTC 1281 1286 5
Correction 912 912 0