Daily News publishes top 10 colleges for underage drinking arrests

The Daily News of Fort Walton Beach has compiled the list of the top 10 colleges with the highest number of underage drinking arrests so far during spring break 2017. University of South Carolina leads the list with 38 arrests, followed by the University of Alabama with 34 and Auburn University with 26.

North Alabama, Ole Miss, Georgia, Texas A&M, Georgia Tech, Sewanee and Mississippi State round out the top 10. You can tell from their mug shots that the kids aren’t too worried.

1 thought on “Daily News publishes top 10 colleges for underage drinking arrests

  1. Sort of a silly list. The University of Alabama has 35,000 students. U South Carolina has about 25,000 students. Auburn has about 20,000 students. That’s a very small percentage of students from any of those schools.

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