Rick's Blog

Missing Halcyon letter two months after RFQ deadline

Below is the letter from Michael Buckley, Halcyon LTD. The the first page of the letter is a commitment to visit site on June 14, 2007 arriving in Pensacola at 8 a.m. and leaving by 2 p.m. (so my notes were incorrect on the date). He is not agreeing to be part of a development, only to have the Site Orientation on June 14. He makes it clear that he expects to be paid for his time and expenses

Then the remaining pages appear to be for Santurce MXD Project Advisory Services (in Puerto Rico) – see the header. It is asking for signatures from Land Capital and Hector Acre Architects and speaks Client and Team meetings

But let’s say only the last four pages are for the Santurce project and he put the wrong header on the first four pages. The kicker is the last paragraph on page 4:

“Your agreement with the Advisory Services proposed by Halcyon LTD in this letter, will serve as our authorization to proceed”…..until Davison and Land Capital signed the proposal and returned it to Buckley then he did NOT have authorization to proceed.

See Halcyon Letter
However, more importantly Davison claimed to have Michael Buckley and Halcyon on his development team on April 4, 2007 – over two months before he even had a written proposal from Buckley.

Davison boasted in the cover letter for his RFQ proposal, “we have been fortunate enough to include three strategic visionaries excited to participate in the Gulf Coast’s revival: Michael Buckley, Halycon LTD (sic), Henry Beer of Communications Arts Design, and Karin Bacon of Karin Bacon Events.”

The June 11, 2007 letter proves Buckley wasn’t on the development team when Davison submitted his proposal. The RFQ says sealed statements of interest and qualifications had to be received by Friday, April 6, 2007, 4:00 pm.

The letter supports Buckley’s statement that he wasn’t on the development team.

The delivery of the letter to the PNJ is a complete surprise. Ed Fleming had made a document request of MPDP for all the documents regarding the development partners and team members. Davison told Fleming that he had destroyed all documents before he actually signed the development agreement (August 2009, I think). Fleming was completely surprised to read about the June 11, 2007 letter in the PNJ today. Read original request: Fleming request

He had to make another request today to get a copy.

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