Dosev, Andrade spar over Gaetz

The battle between State Rep. Alex Andrade and Cris Dosev for the GOP nomination for Andrade’s Florida House District 2 seat flared up today.

Dosev sent a press release demanding Andrade call for the immediate resignation of former Senate President Don Gaetz from the the state ethics commission.

This morning Politico published a report that his son, Congressman Matt Gaetz, is under investigation by the House Ethics Committee for paying a speechwriter – a House ethics rules violation –  and for a private company installing a television studio in his father’s home in Niceville, Fla., which Gaetz uses when he appears on television – possible violation of House gift rules.

Gaetz’s office denies wrongdoing in both cases. Politico wrote, “Gaetz’s aides said the House Ethics Committee approved both arrangements but declined to produce any evidence that that was the case.”

“What did Andrade know, when did he know it, and why hasn’t he demanded what every taxpayer in our district deserves?” asked Dosev, in his release. “Floridians are sick and tired of insider back-scratching….Andrade covers for Gaetz, Gaetz endorses Andrade, Don Gaetz gets a spot on the ethics commission- it’s time to drain the Tallahassee swamp.”

Inweekly contacted Andrade. He responded via text.

“Leave it to the two-time loser–who’s under ethics and elections investigations himself, who recently received a cease and desist from the NRA for fraudulently using their logo– to try and assert the moral high ground,” said Andrade.

“Cris’s statement is about as hypocritical as seeking out and securing support from the Stop Donald Trump PAC and then leading the Trump birthday boat parade to pander to voters. Thank goodness NWFL voters are smarter than his petty politics”

Two weeks ago, Florida Politics reported a Destin resident had filed an  compliant with the Division of Elections and the state Ethics Commission against Dosev for errors in his campaign reports.




6 thoughts on “Dosev, Andrade spar over Gaetz

  1. Hey Rick Ouzen,

    The four comments above me provide more substantiation for the facts regarding the differences between Matt Gaetz and his tagalong puppet Alex. There is no integrity in neither of them, but I hope you will show some integrity and investigate the validity of the claims of those who wrote before me!

  2. Andrade needs to remind us what he has been doing to further the Republican agenda, because right now he doesn’t look very conservative. The attack on Mike Hill on PBS made me really question his Conservative credentials.

    I’s like him to tell us what he did to repeal those two gun laws the legislature passed after the shootings in South Florida.

  3. Getz lost me when he objected to the killing of known terrorists Solanmani. Andre and Getz hit the campaign trail not touting a record. Nor are they providing a platform of new ideas and plans to fight against the anarchy and corruption in this country. Instead they slander a decorated service man and good father. Weak and useless to me. Vote against both these men. We have enough swamp creatures.

  4. I have known Cris Dosev, his wife and children for quite a few years. He is fellow Marine that served his country honorably and he is greatly respect by his fellow Marines in The Marine Corps League, CPL J. R. Spears detachment in Pensacola. During the last Hurricane that hit Panama City and almost designated towns east of Pananma city, Cris spent days traveling and helping folks trying to get their lives back. Where was Gaetz and his nitwit puppet when all this was going on. The nitwit, and I will call him what he is, is running his platform of lies about Cruz and his family. Those that know Cris will not put up with an individual that is part of the swamp.

  5. There is no such “never Trumper” PAC on record that Alex claims to have supported Dosev. Dosev came out the other day and showed where he donated to President Trump before the 2016 primary. Dosev was the only candidate in Escambia to do so. Gaetz was supporting Jeb Bush at the time.

    Andrade is a huge supporter of never Trumper, Congressman Justin Amash. Alex was a huge mouth piece for never Trumper Rebekah Bydlak when she went up against Mike Hill 2 years ago. Andrade also proudly sponsored a transgender bill and refused to co-sponsor Mike Hill’s heartbeat bill or Hill’s bill to reverse the gun sanctions on 18-20 year olds. Alex Andrade is a RINO in its truest form

  6. Angry Alex is doing what lawyers do. Dismissing the “orginal” question. It will be so nice to get A Real Conservative like Cris Dosev! Cris Dosev has been endorsed by FLORIDA FAMILY POLICY COUNCIL who vets candidates and chooses the best candidate for Pro Life, 2nd Amendment and all around good Government policies. Congratulations Cris Dosev, Mike Hill, and Gregory Merk!

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