Escambia School District has 224 fewer teachers than under Paul

In School Superintendent Jim Paul’s year, the Escambia County School District had 40,924 students and 2,974 total teachers – see Teachers 2008-09. The overall ratio of students to teachers was 13.76.

Over the past decade, Superintendent Malcolm Thomas has cut the total number of teachers to 2,750 (see Teachers 2017-18) – 224 fewer teachers.

Meanwhile, the total number of students enrolled for 2017-18 school year was 40,612, only 312 fewer students than 2008-09 school year, according to the Florida Department of Education. The overall ratio of students to teachers has increased to 14.77.

Most of the cuts have been in the elementary schools, even though nearly half of them are on the state’s 300 Lowest Performing list. The district has 274 more elementary students  but 116 fewer teachers. The ratio of elementary students to teachers has increased from 15.49 to 17.26.

Why isn’t Achieve Escambia doing this research?

Grade 2008-09 2017-18 Difference
PK 835 892 57
KG 3169 3,130 -39
1 3171 3,040 -131
2 3251 3,104 -147
3 3237 3,445 208
4 3179 3,199 20
5 2997 3,303 306
19839 20,113 274
6 3108 3,127 19
7 3028 2,946 -82
8 3146 2,757 -389
9 3813 3,280 -533
10 2948 2,943 -5
11 2688 2,723 35
12 2354 2,723 369
21085 20499 -586
Total 40,924 40,612 -312
2008-09 2017-18 Difference
All Teachers 2974 2,750 -224
Ratio 13.76 14.77
Teachers 2008-09 2017-18 Difference
1281 1165 -116
Ratio 15.49 17.26