FB BCC attacks contagious?

Ryan Nicol of Florida Politics reports that GOP Brevard Commissioner Bryan Lober last week went after  Stacey Patel, who serves as the chair of the Brevard Democratic Executive Committee on the Facebook page called “The Political Voice of Brevard County.”

Lober wrote: “I’m not typically a big abortion proponent, but in Patel’s case, I might just be willing to look the other way as I can only imagine what a scourge on humanity (and on our economy) her offspring would prove to be given that her litter would likely be raised with an entitlement mentality, zero work ethic, and taught the hypocritically racist and sexist position that the white man is evil.”

Hmmm, a county commissioner taking to a Facebook page to attack his political opponent. Sounds vaguely familiar.

Patel wrote in a statement to the Orlando Sentinel: “It is entirely inappropriate to dehumanize one’s political adversary … I’m saddened that our national politics has normalized such discourse, and I truly hope that our neighbors, regardless of party, won’t stand silent while such poison seeps into our community.”

Lober defended to the daily newspaper that his conduct on Facebook as that of a private individual and accused Patel of not supporting his First Amendment rights.

Hmmm, a county commissioner claiming First Amendment right to post on social media. Again sounds familiar. The only difference is Lober is saying that statements were made as a private individual.