First woman Tribal Chair to speak at VIP lunch

Stephanie Bryan, the first woman elected to serve as Tribal Chair and CEO for the Poarch Band of Creek Indians, will be the featured speaker at a holiday luncheon hosted by the Institute for Women in Politics of Northwest Florida. The event will be held Dec. 19 at the Pensacola Grand Hotel on Gregory Street. Chairwoman Bryan will share anecdotes from her journey to leadership, the challenges she had along the way, and what she has learned from working in a male-dominated environment.

In 2014 Stephanie Bryan became part of her Tribe’s history as the first woman to chair the Poarch Band. She previously served as the Tribe’s vice chair from 2006 until she was elected to Poarch’s top leadership position.

During the years that she has served her Tribe, Poarch’s economy has grown by 1000 percent and has become a major driver of economic growth in the state of Alabama. Nationally, Chairwoman Bryan is known as a passionate advocate for Indian Country and serves on numerous regional and national boards. She attributes her success in shaping policy that affects her Tribe and others to her deep and abiding love for her people.

Doors will open at 11 a.m. and the luncheon will last from 11:30 until 1:30. Reservations are $25 for Institute members, $50 for non-members, and $200 for a table of six. Sponsorships for the event are available.

Paid reservations may be made online\.