Fish House sign appeal pulled (update)

Brandi Deese of City of Pensacola’s Planning Services Division, has sent out a revised agenda for Zoning Board of Adjustment:

“Please be advised of the following amended Zoning Board of Adjustment agenda for October 21st, 2015: ZBA 2015-13 – Appeal of an Administrative Decision for 600 S. Barracks Street (Proposed Freestanding Sign for The Fish House) HAS BEEN PULLED (her emphasis). The amended agenda has been attached to this email and posted to the City’s website:”

Update for the City: “As a point of clarification, the item ZBA 2015-13 – Appeal of an Administrative Decision for 600 S. Barracks Street (Proposed Freestanding Sign for The Fish House) HAS BEEN PULLED FROM THE OCTOBER 21ST, 2015 ZBA AGENDA AND WILL BE ADDED TO THE NOVEMBER 18TH, 2015 ZBA AGENDA.”
