Above is the map that was included in the Biological Assessment of Bruce Beach, completed in 2013. There are two mitigation areas – City of Pensacola Southern Bulkhead and Community Maritime Park. The Bruce Beach Marsh has a conservation easement.
The useable part of the parcel is the approximately 10 acres listed as “Subject Property” that has a beach and direct access to Pensacola Bay.  Read Biological-Assessment-FL-hatchery-site-2013-08-19
The 2010 CRA Plan called for the mitigation areas to be  “enhanced and leveraged as a park that adds amenity value for ECUA Sewer Treatment site redevelopment.”
Recommended Improvements for Bruce Beach:
- Extend Coyle and Donelson Streets from Main Street into Bruce Beach site for public access and parking
- Extend Community Maritime Park east/west street into Bruce Beach area to provide public access, on-street parking and an active park edge
- Build a continuous boardwalk and/or trail along waterfront from CMP to Bruce Beach jetty
- Create an interactive educational nature park with a focus on environmental sustainability and best practices including trails, boardwalks, pavilions, small gathering spaces, bird watching and natural/native landscapes
- Enhance the existing beach for public access and future safe swimming
- Protect and improve existing wetlands and storm water management features at Bruce Beach to enhance the educational experience
- Maintain and coordinate service access to the existing barrier jetty with the City of Pensacola
The biological assessment is another document that the mayor failed to upload on Transparent Pensacola.