Former city administrator submitted resignation on July 23

According to public records received by Inweekly, former City Administrator Eric Olson submitted his resignation to Mayor Ashton Hayward on Monday, July 23. Read Resignation Letter. He asked that Friday, Aug. 10 be his last day on the job.

However, Mayor Hayward cut Olson a week earlier. On Friday, Aug. 3, the mayor announced in press release sent out after 5 p.m., “Eric Olson has relinquished his role as City Administrator now that the fiscal year 2019 budget workshops are complete.”

The official announcement came after Olson had privately called his department heads to inform them he was leaving, effective 5 p.m. He said he wanted to stay to November by Mayor Hayward had told him the time was right for his departure.

Neither the city council or public were notified on July 23 that Olson had submitted his resignation, which is different from how the city handle City Administrator Colleen Castille’s resignation in August 2014. The mayor’s office notified the public on Aug. 14 that Castille was leaving effective Sept. 3.
